「改良式論壇劇場」如何幫助家長 反思管教子女經驗 How Enhanced Forum Theatre Helps Parents Reflect on Their Parenting Experience (C)
本研究是一項行動研究,目的是運用「改良式論壇劇場」為一班子 女就讀初小的家長提供劇場的開放平台,協助他們反思管教經驗, 探索可解決或改善管教問題的不同方法,並藉此探討家長管教子女 的問題。研究結果顯示大部份觀眾能重新檢討自己的管教方法,部 份觀眾對處理管教衝突有新的領會,個別觀眾甚至改變自己管教子 女的觀念和行動。是次應用劇場演出在某程度上改變了成年觀眾對 自己參與戲劇活動的抗拒感,增加了她們對劇場功能的認同和自身 有能力對身處的環境作出改變的信心。
This is an action research project of using “Enhanced Forum Theatre” to explore how this theatre form helps the participants to reflect on their parenting experiences. The research aims to offer opportunity for parents to reflect on their parenting problems and explore feasible ways to deal with their problems by means of “Enhanced Forum Theatre”.
The result shows most of the parent-participants were able to reflect on the parenting issues, some have new understandings on their parenting skills and a few of them even show changes in their perspective and actions.
Keywords: Enhanced Forum Theatre, conflict, parenting
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