戲劇教育與學生心理健康及社會適應關係探析 The Study on the Relationship between Drama/ Theatre Education, Students' Mental Health and Social Adaptation
學生的心理健康問題已成為教育的一個嚴峻問題,本文旨在探討 戲劇教育與學生心理健康及社會適應的關係。通過對浙江省杭州 市大中小學生共 800 人的抽樣問卷調查可知,中小學生參加戲劇 活動較多者,與參加戲劇活動較少者相比,前者比後者表現出較 少的對人焦慮傾向;在孤獨、過敏、衝動傾向方面,參與戲劇活 動較少的學生要比戲劇活動較多的學生强烈,存在更多的心理健 康隱患。大學喜歡戲劇組的學生,其幸福感水平要明顯高于不喜 歡戲劇組,喜歡戲劇組學生應付方式采用不成熟的「幻想」明顯 低于不喜歡戲劇組;參加過戲劇表演組學生,其應付方式采用成 熟的「求助」要明顯高于未參加過戲劇表演組。可以得出結論: 戲劇教育與心理健康及社會適應之間存在密切關係,戲劇教育有 助于提高學生的心理素質和適應能力,戲劇教育是學生心理健康 教育的一種有效方法和途徑。
The mental health condition of students has become a critical issue among the field of education. This paper aims to explore the relationship between drama/theatre education, students’ mental health and social adaptation. The result of a sample interview with 800 students from colleges, secondary and primary schools in Hangzhou tells us the more the students join drama activities, the less they suffer from social anxiety. In the inclination towards solitary, interpersonal sensitivity and impulsion, students who less participating in drama activities would have a stronger feeling of them, which means their mental health condition is more threatened.
In college level, students who enjoy drama performances have a higher sense of happiness. Also, the coping styles vary among students who enjoy drama and those who don’t. People play dramas prefer to seek help when they meet problems rather than choosing an immature attitude to escape from difficulties.
From the above result we can conclude, there is a close relationship between drama education, mental health and social adaptation. Drama education helps improving student’s mental health quality and adaptability. It is an effective way for the mental health education of students.
Keywords: Drama/Theatre Education; Mental Health; Social Adaptation; Happiness Index; Coping Style
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基金項目:全國教育科學「十一五」規劃 2007 年度教育部規劃課題 「學校戲劇教育在構建和諧校園中的獨特功能及實施策略研究」(項目編 號:GLC070053)和杭州師範大學浙江省高校人文社科重點研究基地(藝 術教育)課題「學校戲劇教育在促進學生全面和諧發展中的作用及實施策 略研究」(項目編號:YSJYJDYB09012)
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