台灣應用戲劇人才培育的理念實踐 與挑戰:以南大戲劇系創作性的應 用課程之創作與實習為例 The Praxes and Challenges in Cultivating Applied Theatre Practitioners in Taiwan: Using the Creative Applied Drama Practicum Curriculum as an Example
本文以台灣國立臺南大學戲劇創作與應用學系培養應用戲劇人才的 課程設計理念與實際的課程執行方式,和學生進入社區實習的實際 方案過程與成果來做示範,演示應用戲劇人才培育的方法與重要的 精神及理念與目標,同時也論述和分析台灣的政經社會與文化背景 如何和應用戲劇的興起之間的互動關係。文中並透過新興的藝術教 育學與藝術的對話性與倫理性的創作理論,來闡述應用戲劇的人才 培育與當代重要藝術思潮與創作方法之間的緊密關係,裨能啟發亞 洲與全球更多的應用戲劇教育與創作的推廣與實踐。
關鍵詞:應用戲劇人才培育、南大戲劇系、應用戲劇課程設計 與執行、服務學習、關懷倫理
This article discusses the rationales behind the design and implementation of the creative applied drama practicum curriculum in the Department of Drama Creation and Application (DDCA) at National University of Tainan (NUTN) as a case of nurturing applied theatre practitioners. It examines what effects and impacts students’ practicum in the form of community practices have on both the students themselves and the communities involved. The paper also analyses how the political economy and the culture of Taiwan interplays with the development of applied drama. It draws extensively from notions of ethics of care, relational aesthetics, dialogical creative theories and service learning to investigate how the design and implementation of the course has put theories into practice. Through the sharing of the curriculum practices, the paper attempts to invite and inspire more creative applied drama practices in Asia and around the globe.
Keywords: applied theatre practitioner training at DDCA, NUTN, applied drama curriculum programme design and implementation, ethics of care, relational aesthetic, service learning
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