馬來西亞學前戲劇教育的在地發展——從三位華人戲劇教師的生命史啟動 The Development of Drama Education in the Early Childhood Program in Malaysia: Embarked from the Life History of three Malaysian Chinese Drama Teachers
來自西方的戲劇教育在臺灣及香港已發展多年,而馬來西亞自千禧年後引入戲劇教育相 關的課程至今亦有二十年。本研究希望透過分析三位不同背景的馬來西亞華人幼教戲劇師的學習歷程,從個人生命史來理解整體戲劇教育在馬來西亞學前教育發展的脈絡。透過訪談、教學計劃及觀課資料的分析,研究結果發現,三者在戲劇/劇場的啟蒙都和中華文化或學校戲劇活動有關。然而從個人的興趣發揮,加上後來正式或非正式的訓練及職場上的需要,三人都發展出別具特色的戲劇教學風貌,也在馬來西亞戲劇教育的發展史中扮演關鍵的角色。在學前教育課程標準新上路之際,建議結合各界不同的資源,戲劇教師或藝術家能彼此對話或參考亞洲國家在幼教發展的戲劇課程新模式,來解決目前他們在幼兒園與師培機構所面臨的問題。
Drama education from the West has been developed in Taiwan and Hong Kong for many years. It has been introduced into Malaysian schools through Taiwan by Malaysian Chinese for 20 years. The study in the paper analyzes the drama-learning processes of three Malaysian Chinese kindergarten drama teachers. In examining the individual personal histories, the paper aims to review the development of drama education in early childhood education in Malaysia. Through interviews and the analysis of teaching plans and classroom observations, the research finds that three teachers’ early encounters with drama were somewhat related to the Chinese culture or school drama events. With their own personal interests, followed by informal or formal training and the need of their professional development, these three teachers have developed their own teaching styles. All of the three played crucial roles in the advancement of drama education in Malaysia. With the initiative of the new national ECE (Early Childhood Education) curriculum, there are needs to combine resources from different sectors, to promote dialogues among drama teachers or artists, or to make reference to curriculum models in ECE teacher-training programs in other Asian countries. These are necessary effects for solving problems encountered in the kindergartens and teacher training institutions.
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